Look ahead not behind, for what was left behind can not be something we can go back too. This is a time when we can use the knowledge gained from 2015 and look to the future. Will this year be any different than last year? Will you reach your goals? Will you reach your dreams?
In today's post I wanted to say I truly hope you have a beautiful future in 2016. I sincerely hope each of you find joy, if you did not in 2015. I hope you follow your heart, if you did not in 2015. I hope you learn to love yourself, if you did not in 2015. I hope I can call you friend, if I did not meet you in 2015. You are an amazing person and only you can bring something bright & wonderful to this new year that no one else can. Have a safe and happy holiday & new years.
I'd like to take a moment to thank the beautiful photographer Avalon Chrome for her amazing pictures taken for this blog post. Again, her talents shine in her work and she is currently taking clients. Please contact her in world under the name: Avalon Chrome.
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