Wanting to add a bit of modern chic, I next grabbed the Vanya Set from EMO-tions. I love this set! Though, my opinion could be bias because I love butterflies BUT the price doesn't lie. Earrings, necklace, arm-band, and bracelet for 299Ls. They also give you a set of choice: gold or silver. I wanted the use the gold for this particular ensemble because the sunglasses from GizzA Creations matched perfectly. The sunglass from GizzA Creations has gold rims with tinted green lenses. These sunglasses can only be found in the Hannah ensemble.
Next, I added Lana hair from Lelutka (280Ls) and then finally the Luna Red Alert 3 lip tone, from Silken Moon. I wanted to give my lips a real punch! The cost of this lip shade color? 75Ls! NOT for one BUT For 4 lip colors! It's an amazing buy don't you think?
Now it's time for me to groove on out of here! Happy shopping and late Easter!