I don't know
about you, but I've always enjoyed the Victorian Gothic stylings, but I never
did a post on it before! Thus, I have decided to create one today and here we
go! In the last blog post you saw I created a styling with the
eighteenth-century in mind. The gown for that blog post was found at Vengeful
Threads, and this one can also be found there called Black Baccara. In fact, both gowns are side by side in the store,
however both are completely different types of stylings.
The Black Baccara comes with mesh corset
that laces up the front and back. The back of the corset is laced in black
string while the front with a black ribbon. The pattern of the corset is in 6-point
stars, it's simply lovely! The center of the corset is a crimson royal vintage
print that is stunning. The lower part of the gown is trimmed with black &
red roses, and then fans out with another 6 star pattern. The back of the Black Baccara gown is has a bustle that
only enhances this gown all the more. The Black
Baccara also comes with high lace shirt and jacket that has frilly sleeves.
BUT that's not all! It additionally includes a choker made from black pearls
and a large ruby gem that balance between the pearls. The Black Baccara is nothing short but stunning!

Wanting to find the correct hair for this styling I headed over to EMO-tions
where I picked up Lucia. Lucia is a lovely up-do that has a tight
row of braids curling into a bun. Some curly locks dangle at ears creating a
very elegant look. Not surprising Emo-tions had what I needed! Now onto
The accessories to this styling was too much fun to piece together. I first
traveled over to Zibska to pick up this crown accessory called Zephyrine. Though Zephyrine comes with a necklace, I wanted to keep the choker from
the Black Baccara gown. But I wanted
to incorporate the ruby from the choker somewhere. Using a lot of editing I was
able to create earrings from the ruby choker and add the ruby again at the top
of the Zephyrine crown. If that
wasn't enough, I used the roses from the gown and attached it to the Zephyrine crown as well. Please note
unlike most styling’s I blog, the hairpiece in this styling is more complex. To
edit the headpiece it might take more of an advance user with editing
Last but not least, let's talk about the makeup! I can honestly say I was
having a hard time selecting which I wanted to use from the store Madrid Solo
Cosmetics. I settled on using two different sets! For my eyes I used Spotted Owl, where as the lips Ravens Flight.
AND... da-ta! You have my victorian gothic styling. If you have any trouble finding these items or have questions on how I did something please don't hesitate to IM me in world: Eibhline Resident